Thursday, April 12, 2012

Congo-Rwanda, Big vs. Little Brother Relationship

These everlasting fighting and proxy-wars of Rwanda into the Congo remind me of the Sino-Janpan wars in the North East of China. Chinese little brother, Japan, saw the North East of China, Manchuria province, as a limitless supply of raw materials. Just like Rwanda uses the Kivus to exploit and export many minerals.  Rwanda has influenced a puppet (weak) Congolese state and military. The evidences are plentiful and similarities are striking from James Kabarabare as the general in charge of AFDL, to Laurent Nkunda, Bosco Ntanganta and many other generals  in charge of, major security operations in the DRC such as Amani Leo, Kimia I&II, etc.

Japan’s big brother’s military was too weak just like Congolese military to directly fight back and end the violence. We appeal to the UN just like China appealed to the League of Nations for help. The UN, Human Watch Watch, the EU and many other international organizations all condemn Rwanda for its incursion into our homeland via proxy forces. Unfortunately, all we get is appeasement speeches. No one is really willing to take action against Rwanda.

During the fighting in Manchukuo, there was an ongoing campaign of volunteers to defeat the Japanese. These armies arose from widespread outrage over the policy of non-resistance, just like most Congolese understand the initial Mai-Mai’s motivation to resist against the enemies,  whether the FDLR, CNDP, or other Kinyarwanda speaking militia groups. Rwanda increasingly used internal conflict in the DRC to reduce the strength of her fractious opponents. This is precipitated by the fact that even years after the Lusaka, Pretoria, and Nairobi treaties, the weak Kabila government does not control all the Kivus and few other isolated sections of the country. Several points are essentially in the hands of local warlords. Just like Japan sought various Chinese collaborators, Rwanda uses the Banyamurenge to influence a government friendly to Rwanda.

They eliminated Mzee Kabila and put a quasi-controllable government that is somehow beneficial to them. Either our security forces and intelligence agencies are extremely gullible and incompetent or there is a high level complicity between the Kabila’s and Kagame’s regime. These are the only 2 plausible scenarios that can explain how James KABARABARE, Laurent NKUNDA, Azarias RUBERWA or Depute Jean-Paul DUNIA infiltrated the DRC institutions while being Rwandese. I personally do not believe that Kabila is cooperating with Rwanda but he is just extremely incompetent and is used as a puppet, just like Japan did with the last Chinese Emperor of Manchukuo.

To win this everlasting battle with our little brother, Rwanda, we must learn from history and fight smart and united. We need to win the support of the US and most western powers. United, we have to prove to the world that we are ready to FIGHT, to track down and bring to justice warlords such as Bosco NTANGATA and Laurent NKUNDA. We refuse to negotiate with these monsters and want to stand up to KAGAME! I applaud Kabila leadership and offensive by bringing a newly Belgian well trained Special Forces in the Kivus.

We also need to better trade our raw material for close economic and military cooperation, with the US or any other stronger military power such as France, Canada, Germany, or Israel. They can help us modernize our industry and military in exchange for raw materials. We should also invest in our soft power and appeal to the world by finally showing us as victims. As Renan said, “getting its history wrong is part of being a nation”. As Congolese, we have to tell the truth about Kagame’s crimes and better cover these everlasting human right abuses. 800,000 in Rwanda in 1994 was tragic but 6-8 million is extremely worse. Like China we will once again take our role as big brother  and earn back our respect and our leadership role in Africa.
